Check the Energy
New paradigm perspectives on navigating life energetically, exploring this collective shift we are in, owning your purpose role within it all, and optimizing your vitality along the way.
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Ep22 - Offering your life to the divine
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Join guest Dr. Kristian Strang as she shares her transformative journey from health crisis to spiritual metamorphosis. We have a really rich conversation on the intriguing role of hands in healing, the practice of channeling higher consciousness for personal growth, and the powerful concept of "being in the world but not of the world."
This is a journey of spiritual awakening, offering your life to the divine, and discovering healing abilities, all catalyzed by a health crisis. Many potent topics covered like embodiment, body talk, and the ever important question - Who am I really?
Through the power of meditation, energy medicine, organic nutrition, and 12 step, Kristian was able to truly optimize her vitality, which you can feel in the warmth exuding from her!
* Health crises can be catalysts for spiritual awakening and discovering hidden abilities.
* Grounding esoteric concepts and embodying spiritual experiences is essential for personal growth.
* Meditation, energy medicine, and organic nutrition are powerful tools for optimizing vitality.
* The human body is an advanced technology that mimics the technology of the Earth.
For clips & quotes from Check the Energy podcast & the Vitality Series, follow Check the Energy Podcast on Instagram
The Vitality Series
The Vitality Series is part of Check the Energy podcast, hosted by Vanessa Smith, Energy Guide & Mentor-Messenger-Mobilizer. Vanessa thrives on conversations with new paradigm perspectives , inviting guests on who can riff with her about the individual and collective shifts we are going through.
The Vitality Series focuses in on how to optimize vitality, the healing journeys we go through in the process, and the importance of aligning with your purpose in this paradigm shift.
Each guest shares a song they love, that makes them feel vital, in the Vitality playlist.
Listen to the Vitality playlist here
Dr. Kristian Strang's song choice
About Dr. Heather Kristian Strang
Dr. Heather Kristian Strang is a mystic, metaphysical psychologist, and an Amazon bestselling author. She’s written 13 books in the genres of visionary fiction, paranormal romance, and channeled message Oracles—basically, everything she loves, she writes about!
Kristian has been featured in a variety of publications and as a featured speaker on a number of podcasts and summits, including her own podcast, Awakening: The Podcast.
She assists healers, coaches, artists, therapists & creatives in co-creating their personal Golden Age by stepping into their most prosperous, radiantly healthy, sovereign life – aka, their Highest Timeline - through her Sacred Spirituality Coach Certification, Love Territory Guide Certification and additional Sacred books, trainings & offerings.
Dr. Kristian Strang links
Website -- Instagram -- Facebook
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa Smith, Energy Guide, Spiritual Mentor-Messenger-Mobilizer, and Founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Be an Energy Guide
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Ep21 - 11 Vitality Keys
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
See how vitality is the key to enter into and create the new earth paradigm! Uncovering the 11 keys of Vitality, and introducing you to the Vitality Series, conversations with guest experts in the realm of vitality.
With the challenges of the last few years, there has never been more relevant time to begin embracing vitality for ourselves and the role it plays in unlocking the new earth and your role in the creation of it.
Learn how to engage with your vitality, and give a big hearty no to chronic depletion. Enhancing vitality results not just in personal growth, but also supports you in developing intuition, clarity, and authenticity.
Thanks so much for tuning in. Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people. Cheers, bless, and all the best. ⭐
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Ep20 - Grace Grace Grace
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Grace is the alchemical ingredient always energetically running beneath the surface of our lives. An improv chat on grace, your true nature, and how it is THE bridge in this paradigm shift. Watch the video here.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Ep19 - You are the portal
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
Saturday Dec 30, 2023
You are the portal and the paradigm shift. Own your power. Know your purpose. Watch the video of it here.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Ep18 - Energy of January 2024
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Friday Dec 29, 2023
Tune into the underlying energetics for January 2024 and how to best work with them. Includes a mudra, mantra, and medicine to support you in alchemizing these energies in an empowering way. Watch the video version here.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Ep17 - Energy of 2024
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Really loved tuning into the upcoming energies for 2024. For many of us, especially those in my soul crew, this is the year we have been prepping for, looking forward to, and anticipating for awhile now.
Please do grab a cuppa tea, get cozy, and take notes on this energy read! Watch the video version here.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Ep16 - Energy of 2020-2030
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
The decade of 2020-2030 is incredibly transformational, a true transition time between worlds. Tune in for the energetic breakdown of each year between 2020-2030. Use these energy themes to amplify your own intuition and navigate what shows up in your life.
Watch the video version here.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Ep15 - My top transformations of 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
What are your top transformations of 2023? Here are mine! Perhaps you'll see some of your story and energy themes in the ones I went through too. Click here to watch the video version of this episode.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Ep14 - The Lightworker Shift
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
As a lightworker, you may have sensed a deeper shift happening around your purpose work and personal transformational process. If so, tune in!
This recording goes into more detail as to why the lightworker shift is all about, what is important for you to consider, and how to best work with the energies of it.
Click here to watch the video version of this episode.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Ep13 - Closing out the energies of this year
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Sunday Dec 24, 2023
Rich in reflection and a lovely time traveling exercise to support you in closing out the energies of this year!
Click here to watch the outside by the tree video version of this episode. Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Ep12 - Energy Read for December 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Before we close out this year, and the month of December, let's review the energies of this month and see how they might have played out in your life!
Click here to watch the video version.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Ep11 - Energies of 12/12 & 12/21
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
12/12 and 12/21 have special underlying energies that influence how we experience ourselves, each other, and reality as a whole. This episode explores that and how to best work with the energy in an empowering way.
Click here to watch the video version.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Ep10 - Synchronicity & the solstice
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Synchronicities are found in abundance right now during this Solstice period. Tune in to these energies for redirection and realignment. You have way more support and energy orchestrated in your favor than you may currently realize!
Bonus story at the end on my most recent experience with synchronicity. Visual episode with the tree found here.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday May 08, 2023
Ep9 - Love, Energy, Community
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Meet Paul Smith - innovative, curious, creative, intuitive, and a super interesting guy. Spoiler alert: We've been married for 21 years.
Today, we're talking about love, energy, and community - including his new paradigm business soon to launch, how we met, why knowing about energy helps, and so much more.
Tune in for this special episode.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
About Paul
Paul Smith is currently working on a visionary business, Shine A Light, which is at the intersection of photography, philanthropy, and sustainability.
His professional background stems from copywriting and PR for green businesses to massage therapy and community creation.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday May 01, 2023
Ep8 - Healing through Ceremonial Painting
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Meet Dewi Maile Lim, and explore how the ceremonial painting process can be an incredibly potent way to spark inner evolution. From personal stories, healing journeys, and embodied leadership, this is a rich conversation you'll want to be a part of. Meditation and grounding as a gift to kick off our time together.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
About Dewi
Dewi Maile Lim [pronounced: "Day-we My-Lay Leem"] helps guide Trailblazing, Luminary Women to Stand-Out as Thought Leaders, Build Flourishing Communities, Grow Partnerships and Thrive during this time of great change on the planet.
As a Visionary Artist and Transformational Coach she works 1-to-1 and in groups and leads online and in-person workshops, masterminds and Painting Vision Quests.
Dewi is Founder of New Earth Luminary, the QUICKENING! Speaker Series for Embodied Feminine Leaders and Rebel Heart Creatrixmind. She is passionate about the intersection of Creativity, Consciousness Expansion, Sovereign Living and Planetary Awakening. Dewi's Links YOU; ORACLE! Access the Oracle Within! Create a Handmade Oracle Deck for Personal Divination and Transformation:! Season 1 Playlist:
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Ep7 - Your Healing Journey
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Where are you in your healing journey? Explore the 4 stages of your healing journey, get 4 ways to support yourself in it, and at least 4 new perspectives to transform your experience of just how powerful and empowered you are.
Originally shared in The Old Earth-New Earth series, which is all about the paradigm shift, how to best navigate the energetics of it, and get more deeply aligned with your vision-purpose-mission role within it.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Ep6 - Healing trauma through dance
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Meet Ashley Gilbert, dancer, choreographer, producer, teacher, and healer. In this conversation we dive into how you can transform trauma, activate your voice, and deeply heal through dance?
We store our stories in the body. When we allow our bodies to express what's there, and have a witness to it, incredible transformation can take place. Tune in to hear more about how you can work with the wisdom of your body to create profound healing and experience true presence with life.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
About Ashley
Ashley Gilbert works with women through movement, breath, energy work and music to facilitate a space where healing can take place and they can authentically connect with themselves.
To stay up to date with when Ashley has offerings available, both online and in person, email her to stay in the know.
Contact info:
Link to dance film:
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Ep5 - It’s not you, it’s the energy
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Once you understand how you are being affected by energy, you stop personalizing your ups and downs, then simply reach for the energetic tools to turn it around.
Join me for a raw and uncut solo podcast recorded outside on a stormy day. In it, I cover 5 key areas where energy can impact us - physically, mentally, emotionally, intuitively, and spiritually/multidimensionally.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Ep4 - Healing with Sunlight & Homeopathy
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Meet Heathar Shepard, author of The Sunlight Rx, homeopath, and ancestral foods chef. In this conversation, we explore whether how sunlight can heal you and how homeopathy works. Some of the most incredible ways to create health and vitality for yourself, no matter what you've gone through, are more accessible than you think!
Also hear how sunlight and homeopathy have been profoundly helpful for both of us, transforming a wide range of health challenges and restoring the vitality that is available for us all.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
About Heathar
Heathar Shepard's approach to healing is simple: homeopathic medicine, sunlight and ancestral food. For over a decade, Heathar has called upon this holistic combination to help people all over the world overcome both acute and chronic health conditions.
The Primal Pioneer is her weekly podcast. Heathar is the author of The Sunlight Diet and The Sunlight Rx, which you can find on her website. Links below!
Podcast: The Primal Pioneer
IG: sunlight_rx
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Ep3 - The Body, Consciousness, & Love
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
What do the body, consciousness, and love have to do with each other? Find out their interconnection when Erin Gunzelman drops some wisdom and expanded perspectives on this episode.
Learn more about Erin, her metaphysical mentorship, listen to her podcast Metaphysical Gravity, and follow her (always) consciousness shifting posts on Instagram.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Ep2 - The Paradigm Shift
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
What is the paradigm, and how is it shifting? Tune in to learn about the 3 core ways life is changing - including the physical systems & structures, consciousness, and the energy itself.
Bonus story on where the phrase "Check The Energy" comes from and why it's key to keep it in your back pocket. Plus, what it's like to be energy sensitive and how I learned to work with it.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Ep1 - Introducing Check the Energy
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
A welcome overview to Check the Energy, a podcast designed to illuminate the energetic undercurrents shaping our lives and shifting this paradigm.
Whether you've always been energetically sensitive, or are becoming more so, Check the Energy will offer up some foundational how to's when it comes to navigating these transformational times.
Have a listen, like, follow, share, and all that good social media stuff to get this out to more of my people.
Cheers, bless, and all the best.
Have we met yet?
Hi, I’m Vanessa, energy guide, spiritual mentor-messenger-mobilizer, and founder of New Earth Collab.
I am here to spread some contagious enthusiasm around the paradigm shift, how to navigate the energy of it, own your purpose role within it, and optimize your vitality along the way.
You really are here for a reason at this time on the planet, have a unique role to play in this transformational time, and there is a higher purpose for your energy sensitivity. Utilize this gift!
Here’s how:
Energy Guide Program
You are being called to step into your energy gifts.
Clean Up Your Energy
51 energy tools, daily energy routine, and more!
Your Energy Story
If you want to change, you’ve got to change the energy.
New Earth Collab
For transformational businesses here to shift the paradigm.
Do connect on the socials! YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram